一文全面解读GRS证书背面条款 PART II

宝石猎手大未 彩色宝石网联合创始人,首席宝石学家



CE(O): Grading of clarity enhancement of emeralds – 祖母绿净度优化分级

1.  None 无油2.  Insignificant 极微油3.  Minor 微油4.  Minor to moderate 微到中油5.  Moderate (filler mentioned if resin) 中等油(如有充胶会标注)6.  Significant (filler mentioned if resin) 重等油 (如有充胶会标注)

The comment ‘Non-enhanced clarity features present’, indicates the presence of empty or dried out fissures at the time ofexamination.



Other possible treatments specified on GRS gemstone reports:其他GRS证书中常见的处理种类有:

·       Coating 覆膜·       Dyeing染色·       Application ofcolorless oil/ or epoxy-like resins and/or wax使用无色油和/或者树脂类和/或蜡·       Irradiation, useof nuclear bombardment 使用原子轰击的辐射处理·       Conventionalsurface diffusion, or any combination of the above 传统的表面扩散或者以上处理方式的组合

Other possible comments on GRS reports GRS证书上其他常见的备注:

PL tested

The stone has beentested with a photoluminescence spectrometer. Go to ‘Analytical Methods’ for more details.

PL检测指光致荧光光谱仪(Photoluminescence Spectrometer)检测,请参考分析方法的具体解释


LIBS tested

The stone has beentested with a laser-induced breakdown spectrometer. We use this method to checkheated sapphires for possible beryllium-diffusion treatments. Go to ‘Analytical Methods’ for more details.

LIBS检测指激光诱导穿透光谱仪(之前大未文章有专门介绍轻松了解宝石检测专业仪器之 – LIBS –激光诱导穿透光谱仪),主要使用这种方式检测蓝宝石是否经过可能的铍扩散处理,请参考分析方法的具体解释

Raman tested

The stone has beentested using a Raman spectrometer. This test is often used to identify mineralsor individual parts of gems or ornamental objects. Go to ‘Analytical Methods’ for more details.


FTIR tested

The stone has beentested using a FTIR spectrometer. Go to ‘AnalyticalMethods’ for moredetails.


EDXRF tested

The stone has beentested using a EDXRF spectrometer. EDXRF spectrometers are used to analysethe chemical composition of the tested material. Go to ‘Analytical Methods’ for more details.


Important information and limitation of the use of GRS Gemresearch Swisslab gemstone reports

All GRS Gemresearch Swisslab AG gemstonereports will be printed on original paper (marked with GRS) and will bear anofficial signature. No corrections or alternations of any form shall beaccepted on the gemstone report. All gemstone reports are laminated forprotection. The gemstone reports trademarks such as GRS, H(a), E(IM), GRS-type‘pigeon’s blood’ or service marks of GRS Gemresearch Swisslab AG may not bereproduced in whole or in part without the prior written authorization of GRSGemresearch Swisslab AG. This GRS report must contain two GRS hologramsotherwise this report is not valid. A GRS Gemresearch Swisslab AGgemstone report contains the identification of gemstones by photographicimages, descriptions, dimensions and weight. It states an opinion on theirauthenticity, treatment, country of origin (if determinable), quality andrarity (does not always apply). This GRS report does not constitute a guaranteefor or an appraisal of the object or gemstone described there in. The physicalappearance of an object or gemstone may differ from its photographic image onthe gemstone report. Determination of the authenticity and country of origin ofa gemstone is based on the analysis of its chemical and physical properties andinternal characteristics (e.g. inclusions and growth structures) using standardgemological instruments and modem analytical instruments includingspectrometers. The conclusion on the country of origin, authenticity andtreatment of gemstones is an opinion of the laboratory based on the directcomparison of the findings with those obtained from the analyses of referencematerials, as well as those in published literature. The laboratory to theextent reasonably possible continuously updates this knowledge.


所有GRS证书都是使用清晰标注GRS字样的印刷原件并以覆膜保护,内页有官方签字,文字内容不会有任何形式的更正或涂改GRS证书上的商标专用字样如GRS, H(a),GRS-type “pigeon’s blood ”以及GRS Gemresearch Swisslab AG未经许可禁止复制正版GRS证书有两个全息码,证书包含照片、描述、尺寸、重量、天然性、优化处理、产地(如可以判断)以及质量和稀有度(非必备)等信息。GRS证书并不代表对于鉴定物提供品质担保或价值评估,鉴定物的实际观感可能和照片有所出入,对鉴定物真伪及产地的意见是基于对其物理、化学性质以及内含物特征(如包体及生长结构)的使用常规和现代分析仪器获取的数据与本实验室的参考标本以及已出版的资料的对比分析得出,仅代表GRS实验室的意见,本实验室一直不断更新标本库及相关的最新资料。
